Swarmcontent voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The 2017 Temkin Group Employee Engagement Benchmark Study clearly shows that CX leaders have 60% more engaged employees.

Engagement is directly connected to the overall experience that shapes the attitude and behavior of employees at work.

Unsurprisingly, then, the more motivated and dedicate Read More
How to Meet the Demands for a Digital Customer Experience

We all know businesses must innovate to keep up with customer expectations.

From food companies reducing sodium in TV dinners for the health-conscious, to car manufacturers producing electric vehicles for the environmentally conscious, Read More

How to Make Blogs from Boring Niches Interesting

How to Make Blogs from Boring Niches Interesting - http://www.bloggingtips.com Avatar Posted by bbrian017 under Marketing
From http://www.bloggingtips.com 2288 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on March 29, 2018 9:27 am
Boring niches are a big pain-in-the-neck for writers. Not only are they tiring to write about, but they also lead to lower traffic. Imagine writing a blog about metal work and flooring. Sure, there are things to write about, but it would mostly be technical stuff. Read More
It must have happened to you: you’re working in a software and suddenly you don’t know how to proceed.

You know what you want to accomplish, but you’re not sure on how to reach your goal. Other times, whatever you’re trying to do simply doesn’t work.

In many cases, you look around and try to Read More
The general data protection regulation (GDPR) comes into force May 25th, 2018. It covers both the European Union and Great Britain — which amounts to more than 500 million users. WordPress, meanwhile, owns more than 50 percent of the CMS market and powers almost 28 percent of global websites. The r Read More
What would you do differently if you had it to do again? CIOs and other executives reflect on the lessons they missed, so you don't have to.
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5 Unique Ways To Improve Conversion Rates

5 Unique Ways To Improve Conversion Rates - https://www.buzzandtips.com Avatar Posted by stevejwilliams under Online Marketing
From https://www.buzzandtips.com 2292 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on March 25, 2018 11:59 am
This week’s roundup is about how to improve conversion rates. In these five excellent articles, you will find unique ways that will help you improving conversions. Read More
Every matured living being passes few stages before becoming so, right?

For instance, there is a single cell stage, an embryo, new born, child, teen and so on. Similarly every blogger is a newbie before becoming a matured blogger.

And there are certain stages every newbie blogger passes throu Read More
Here’s the truth about content marketing – it works best when you’re able to challenge your reader. If you’re not doing enough challenging and instead, doing more massaging of your buyer’s ego, you’re hurting your sales. You’re missing an opportunity to connect and engage. You’re not making anyone’ Read More
One of the problems that every elearning solution or staff training system needs to address is the issue of people who need to be retrained after a certain period of time.

This mainly occurs due to a well-known defined as Ebbinghaus forgetting curve. Read More

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