Swarmcontent voted on the following stories on BizSugar

6 Surefire Strategies to Increase Customer Retention

6 Surefire Strategies to Increase Customer Retention - https://blog.userlane.com Avatar Posted by swarmcontent under Strategy
From https://blog.userlane.com 2310 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on March 9, 2018 11:56 am
I’m sure you’ve all heard this quote from the crazy-haired physicist, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Well… what do you think Einstein would say about your customer retention strategy?
I’m sure if he were here to consult businesses today, he Read More
Do you want to feel confident when implementing your Ideas?
Do you want to be organized and resourceful?
Do you want to have a schedule to guide you on your day-to-day performance?

Plan your Projects!
Here is what we mean by Project Planning and why you should start mastering it. Read More

A Data Driven Guide to Increasing Your Brand's Exposure on Pinterest

A Data Driven Guide to Increasing Your Brand\'s Exposure on Pinterest - http://sendible.com Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From http://sendible.com 2316 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on March 5, 2018 11:12 am
If there's a visual component to your brand, Pinterest is a great platform to leverage. It's got plenty of reach.

This post from Elna Cain showcases a bunch of actionable ways you can increase your brand's exposure on Pinterest - backed by data. Read More
You really can't miss this: Top CS and CX experts share upcoming trends in processes, data, technology, and innovation techniques! [VIDEO + TRANSCRIPT] Read More
Just as every friend group has the idealistic Charlotte, customer success managers have their unrealistic customers.

And what happens to these Charlotte Clients? Ultimately, they’ll churn when expectations aren’t met.

That’s why I decided to illustrate the strongest strategies customer succes Read More

How to humanize your hiring process

How to humanize your hiring process - https://www.typeform.com Avatar Posted by swarmcontent under Human Resources
From https://www.typeform.com 2321 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on February 27, 2018 12:38 pm
Let’s face it—applying for jobs is up there with doing your taxes and standing in line to renew your passport.

Trying to inject a healthy dose of personality into a cover letter while conforming to a rigid job spec isn’t the most exciting way to spend an evening. And navigating a sea of blank te Read More
How to simplify software adoption and reduce resilience to change

For 87% of businesses, digital transformation represents their top priority and the main principles connected to digitalization are already clear. Although the roadmap that leads to digital disruption is already drafted for at lea Read More
Corporate Coaching – A Tool to Reveal Your Inner Strength. A corporate trainer can help you to find your inner strength and helps you to find the right way. Read More
When it comes to hiring staff you’ll go through multiple important stages to vet the candidates and make sure you choose the right one.

For many managers, the interview is the most important step.
Read More
A VoC program is the key to customer success for any company that wishes to achieve delight and create advocates out of their customers.

Do you want your very own champion customer sharing their positive opinions to everyone (hmm, maybe a blog community…) on your behalf?

Listening to what the Read More

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