Swarmcontent voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Maintaining an independent venture can now and then feel like a juggling demonstration. Regardless of the extent of your group, you require all the assistance you can get the opportunity to run deals, advertising, operations, fund and HR. Also, this is simply to keep business as usual. In what mann Read More
Your customers don’t want to hear about you from you. They look for content written by their peers, whom they trust. There’s no question that companies, including technology and B2B companies, need to make influencers like bloggers and vloggers part of their marketing plans. Here's how. Read More
Did you know that 7 out of 10 people who leave your website will NEVER return?

That’s a bad news, right?

Here’s what most people do when they want more traffic. Read More

The Use of Emojis in the Workplace

The Use of Emojis in the Workplace  - http://www.mibusinessmag.com Avatar Posted by SPCowan under Strategy
From http://www.mibusinessmag.com 2425 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on November 16, 2017 1:25 pm
Shall we be using emojis in the workplace? With the workplace ever changing, Helen Anglin from Exposure Ninja explains why we should. Read More
In the technology industry, some of the biggest elements that can hurts customer experience — and by that I mean B2B and B2C customers — are overly-complicated product design. You have probably bought something, opened up the box from Amazon, and looked at it like “Where do I begin or how to connec Read More
User Onboarding, in a way, is making sure that your users know everything you know about your product and the problem you tackle with it.

Since you can never stop selling your solution, even to existing customers, onboarding is actually an ongoing process that basically never stops and simply tu Read More
The user interface is the core link in human-machine interaction. The UI creates the basis for a great experience but can only provide a generic structure that incorporates some form of basic orientation.

No matter how simple the interface is, when a user doesn’t (or can’t) bring him or herself Read More
Only 50 percent of businesses survive their first five years. How can you maximize your chance to succeed when starting or growing a new business in a crowded market? Here are seven proven strategies to help get you started.

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The secret to a steady growth is securing a solid and loyal customer base that constantly contributes to the MRR by a) successfully working with your product for a long time and b) through referrals.

Increasing trial to paid conversion and customer retention rates should be the primary mission o Read More
In this article, I have shared 13 ways to Identify your target audience for better Conversion & Engagement with your blog content. Read More

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