Swarmcontent voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Google Shopping is officially one of the most effective means of getting your products in front of the right buyers.

As Google continues to get better at serving relevant products to their users, you similarly have to adapt and align your campaigns with the Shopping platform’s best practices if Read More
Want a more efficient business? If so, you are in good company. Many companies desire to be far more effective than they are already, and the benefits are clear to everyone.

Being more efficient means spending less, making more, and cleaning out a lot of dead wood.

There are some easy ways to Read More
Marketing is about understanding your customer’s story or perspective.
What are their priorities?
What matters to them most and why?
Answers to these questions will help you understand why customers buy from what brand. Read More
Customer Success. It sounds great. I mean, it definitely has a nice ring to it. But, what does it really mean? I’d say it’s obvious every company should want to secure the success of their customer base- a company simply can’t survive without happy customers. However, to many people (ahem… me!) thi Read More
A hands-on troubleshooting guide for customer success managers.

he idea behind our guide is simple. When you buy a new device, you can often find a troubleshooting guide at the end of the handbook that comes with it. A sort of list of common errors linked to possible causes and solutions.

We Read More
Chatbots have recently become quite popular. They are being used by businesses to provide proactive assistance to their customers. Read More
Conversion optimization, online payments, user experience, buyer personas, customer support and a great shopping experience are all just small parts of the big picture that eCommerce businesses need to “paint”.

But what do you do when you have all of these elements in place, yet your business is Read More
Nailing down your client onboarding strategy will help you streamline your efficiency as an agency, and will help you better manage your clients.

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I’ve put together 8 mobile design best practices. They’ll help you streamline user experience, maximizing the impact of your marketing funnel for any device. Read More
It costs 5 to 25 times as much to attract a new customer than to keep one, and that's why it's so important to build a close relationship with your customers.

Let's see those 7 tips to create loyal customers for your small business.
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