Swarmcontent voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Twenty years ago it was perfectly normal to use maps to drive around a new town or plan a road trip.

Nowadays, we take for granted that each vehicle is delivered with a GPS navigation system that automatically guides people from A to B.

Twenty years ago, software was delivered with thick manu Read More
How gamification can help improve engagement and activation and foster loyalty.

Gamification as a concept has been going around business circles for quite some time. For Saas companies, learning how to implement advanced gamification techniques into the customer journey, though, can truly make t Read More
Amy Downs from Lifesize, discusses how one size doesn't fit all when it comes to giving your customers the best experience. Read More

Zeqr Introduces a New Approach to Learning

Zeqr Introduces a New Approach to Learning  - http://www.smbceo.com Avatar Posted by previsomedia under Technology
From http://www.smbceo.com 2502 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on September 6, 2017 3:47 pm
Using the latest EdTech available, Zeqr allows users to take online courses in a one-on-one video chat, for rates starting as low as a few dollars per course. Read More
Open source software powers some of the most powerful content management systems used by everyone from governments to e-commerce businesses. It has come a long way from being something that people tinkered with. Read More
The evolution of SaaS organizations that focus on customer experience and customer success. Customer success is more about creating relationships than anything else. It is all about listening and understanding what each single customer requires in order to achieve their goals.

With the right to Read More
Digital transformation is a redirection of corporate strategy that affects every aspect of the company. Particularly, the strategy is linked to changes in the management mentality and the scope of operational and non operational activities aimed at creating a flawless customer experience throughout Read More
Are you curious to know what your main strength as a customer success manager is? Take our quiz and find out! Read More
The way you onboard trial users affect the entire user experience: how well do you rank?

The most critical phase in the entire customer journey is represented by the moment when you onboard trial users.

You invested a lot of money and resources to attract qualified traffic to your site throug Read More
What’s one thing the founder of an upcoming SaaS startup, the Product Manager for an established enterprise and the head of sales at some corporation all have in common? Other than having to adapt to the digital disruption they can no longer ignore the need to make Customer Success an integral part Read More

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