Swarmcontent voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many companies try to assert to find employees who “think outside the box”. This phrase has become so common, that in reality it has somewhat become a clichéd statement in the professional industry. Companies are trying really hard to find an individual who tries to think beyond the conventional pr Read More
Your marketing launch is the most important element of startup success these days, to get customer attention in this world of information overload. Yet it is the one element that too many entrepreneurs focus on only as an afterthought. Everyone assumes their product or service is so great that “wor Read More
As a new business advisor and technologist, I often think about the large array of opportunities for entrepreneurs as technology seems to be evolving faster and faster. Yet I still too often hear the question, “Can you give me a really sure-fire idea for starting my own business?” My standard answe Read More
Read my opinion on why investing in social media marketing is good for business. If so then What should be ROI? How to measure ROI of social media efforts? For all, here is an answer... Read More
Different forms of support can be valuable at different stages. But basically, it all boils down to either preventing a problem or solving the problem once it occurred. And that’s why along the whole customer journey it’s necessary to implement proactive and reactive support tools. Read More
Your campaigns don't give you expected results? You don't know what you do wrong? Check out this article which helps you correct your lead generation campaigns. Thanks to it you will generate more business leads.
You find there information about: company's online transparency, CTAs, target group Read More
Being good at everything isn’t just impossible, it’s unhealthy. When people think that they can do it all, they fail to delegate or trust others- both of which are important skills for great leaders to practice. That’s why the best leaders recognize and work around their own weaknesses. Read More
Bing is integrating chatbots into its search results, according to a report from Search Engine Journal.

The announcement is expected to be made at Microsoft Build 2017, the annual Microsoft developer conference held from May 10-12 in a session called “Chatbots on Bing.com”. The conference will Read More
Software product development requires specific experience and skills which differ from software application development skills. Be smart and hire an expert! Read More
Understand the Psychology of Customer Service. Here are some of the things to be learned by studying the human mind, behaviour, and its functions Read More

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