Swarmcontent voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Teaching computers to interpret the visual world is one of the hardest problems in computer science. In this article, we explore what makes image recognition so challenging and how data scientists are using a special kind of neural network to solve it.
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Security should be a top priority for any business. Failure to do so can result in significant headache and financial loss. Here are 5 ways you can improve security. Read More
A flawless customer experience throughout the entire customer journey involves guidance and support.

Users need to be exposed to specific information but also need to feel in control of their decisions and want to be able to easily access help if they need additional information or if something Read More
A lot of businesses do social media marketing wrong. They hear everyone screaming, “You must have a social media presence,” but what that entails isn’t always spelled out correctly. Social media marketing should be effective and affordable, and when done correctly, it can help scale businesses of a Read More
11 Essential Blog Content Tools to Easily Write and Optimize Blog Content for SEO the Right Way
There is no point in working on blog content without focusing on SEO – use these 11 Essential Blog Content Tools to Easily Write and Optimize Blog Content for SEO. Read More
Adding infographics to your content mix is a must, but for many marketers there are quite a few obstacles - such as lack of skills and resources -, whereas outsourcing is costly. Learn how to make infographics yourself. Read More
Instagram is a new hub where people find and connect to the visual identity of a business. Whether you want to increase engagement with your audience or drive sales, you should consider using Instagram. If you haven’t tried Instagram marketing yet, it’s high time to get started. At last, let’s have Read More
After dealing with several applications, you get used to the language developed by UI designers.
You sign up for a brand new piece of software and, most of the times, you immediately understand menus and icons.

A well-designed interface is precious, but knowing what each button and menu does is Read More
A very popular quote, recently revamped through a viral video on education, says that you can’t judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree.

In school, we all more or less receive the same the information and are judged by our ability to process and implement it. No matter what our individual in Read More
Here are some of the most efficient HR software solutions available. Adopting any of these can guarantee an increase in productivity and professionalism. Read More

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