Thesmiths voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Secrets of a Successful Press Conference

Avatar Posted by bccgem under Public Relations
From 5924 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 9, 2008 2:23 pm
Only hold a press conference if it is vital to getting your message across. And if you go down that path, get it right! Read More

The LinkedIn Mania

Avatar Posted by ocitservices under Online Marketing
From 5925 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 7, 2008 12:03 am
When you consider that LinkedIn has nearly 10 million users hailing from over 150 industries around the world, it is surprising that B2B websites aren't paying more attention. There are, though, several methods your website could be employing in order to improve your exposure within the business oriented social network, while also potentially imp Read More
By forcing me to contact the company in order to get more information about the product, the company is creating a new touchpoint in their marketing process. Great; so now the company can contact all of their leads, people who figure that the additional information regarding the product line is worth the time taken to contact the firm. The pro Read More

How 3 Lines of Code Can Improve Your Rankings

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Online Marketing
From 5926 days ago
Made Hot by: sanssecret on May 6, 2008 10:11 pm
Many website owners have a small technical issue with their site(s) that they don't even realize, and when left uncorrected, can severely hurt search engine rankings. This situation occurs when the one or more pages can be accessed via several different URL's. Read More

12 Ways to Get Customers to Open Your Email FIRST

Avatar Posted by digitalsmash under Strategy
From 5928 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 5, 2008 6:46 pm
Want to know the secret to email follow up? TWO WORDS: Subject line. Because that's the only thing customers see. Because that's the only thing customers have the time to read. Because that's the only thing customers will use to decide whether or not to open it. Because that's the only way you can immediately differentiate yourself in the Read More
Are your time management skills put to the test every morning? Does your early routine cause you and your family stress? Just a few simple steps can help you begin your day in an organized and efficient way! Every good morning begins the night before. Read More
Having a stack of information piled on a credenza where you see it every day is not the best way to jump into a prioritized, productive daily routine. That pile confronts you several times a day and does create guilt for not getting around to it, even when you are the last person and so have eliminated the time pressure. To keep up... Read More

8 Habits of Unproductive People

Avatar Posted by dlanders under Startups
From 5929 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 6, 2008 7:24 pm
We want to continually increase productivity and are always looking at ways to work more efficiently so that we “find” more time. When we are accomplishing more, there actually ends up being more time for us to enjoy life. Unfortunately, we sometimes make mistakes that lower our productivity. Here is a list of 8 things unproductive people do: Read More
Ever wondered why so many people and businesses seem to have such a consistently loyal following? No matter what they say— even it it's incorrect, people still listen? Wouldn't it be great simply to have people hear you in the first place? Read More

Identify Express Service Potentials For Your Small Business

Avatar Posted by TheProfitRepairman under Customer Service
From 5933 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 29, 2008 11:39 am
Take a look around your business unit, listen to your associates and customers, keep abreast of market trends and your competition, and never stop asking yourself, “Is there an opportunity to convert and deliver this or any process in the operations and sales functions to an express service module?” Read More

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