Thursdayb voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A great look at how varied online video campaigns can be, complete with examples from real world case studies. Read More
Slack is the integrated communication tool that would be perfect for small business communication and organization... but barely anyone outside of Silicon Valley knows about it! Read up on this technology that has been called "the future of teamwork." Read More

8 Lessons For Entrepreneurs From The Shark Tank

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3334 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on June 12, 2015 8:18 am
As an advisor to entrepreneurs and active angel investor, I often get questions about the realism of the Shark Tank TV series, compared to professional investor negotiations. The simple answer is that with all the staging of TV lights and billionaire investors, it’s nothing like Silicon Valley. Yet Read More
There isn’t anything inherently special about generalizing vs. specializing; they happen to be two different ways to build a career. Yet in the brave new world of full-stack employees, one must have “an insatiable appetite for new ideas, best practices, and ways to be more productive and happy,” be Read More
How do you convince investors that your business model will really work, before you have a revenue stream that exceeds your expenses? Even if you are bootstrapping your business, and you are the only investor, you should be asking yourself the same question. Too many founders have learned that pass Read More
As you get ready to go to your tax preparer, you need to think about what will make him or her happy. Your accountant will do a better job if you make some effort to make their job easier. Read More

4 Reasons Why Becoming the First Mover Matters

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Strategy
From 3388 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on April 21, 2015 4:43 am
As the first mover in business, you can access many perks. In fact, the whole entrepreneurial career of yours depends on how you respond to the opportunity. Read More

How to Create A Unique Selling Proposition

Avatar Posted by PASAngelique under Marketing
From 3388 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on April 20, 2015 4:34 pm
Whether you’re a new entrepreneur or thinking about joining the ranks, one question you’ll have to answer is: What sets your business apart? The answer to that question usually leads entrepreneurs to define their value proposition, also called unique selling proposition, or USP. Read More
You don't need what you need if you didn't you it existed. Have a look at how these creative start-ups have created new markets without fully aware they were doing it. Now I don't know what I would do without some of them! Read More
You’re likely already familiar with the benefits coworking spaces can offer to entrepreneurs and freelance workers. But a group of entrepreneurial teens are also trying to promote the benefits of coworking spaces for students. Read More

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