Tnsblog voted on the following stories on BizSugar

12 Things You Should Do After Writing A Blog Post

Avatar Posted by DiTesco under Rock Your Biz
From 4385 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on July 25, 2012 4:41 am
Writing content is great, but for people to appreciate what you have to offer, they obviously must know that it exists. Here are some tips to promote your posts Read More
Establishing and managing a community blog is becoming an increasingly important role for all types of businesses, whether it's a tech startup or a major corporate brand.p Read More

Why Wordpress is the Best Blogging Platform

Avatar Posted by wdoutjah under Rock Your Biz
From 4392 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on July 18, 2012 5:09 pm
If you are a blogger or a blog enthusiast, you might be familiar with WordPress. It is the largest and most used blogging platform in the entire world wide web. Blogging has become more popular these days, not just for writers but also for internet marketers Read More
Facebook engagement is one of the biggest challenges that most bloggers are facing today. The problem with EdgeRank and chasing down our fans and followers on Facebook is that somehow we get lost in the madness and forget why we set up a Facebook page to begin with. What I mean by that is, unless y Read More
One concept has become so ingrained in the social media experience that it is now inescapable: branding.

When done well, branding allows companies of all sizes to build great relationships with their customers, while creating positive awareness of their products and services.
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There are a handful of plugins that will connect your WordPress to a Facebook page or Facebook app. Each of them is designed to link Faceboook’s social features to your WordPress, and make it easy for people to share your content in their newsfeed. Read More
Most of the bloggers emphasis on producing quality content to get more leads, but forget about building social presence & making their blog search engine friendly. Read More
A look at 3 critical items you should invest in and also you think you may need to invest in but don’t. You can create a successful WordPress site with minimal cost by reaching out and making connections. Read More
Rich Snippets are markup tags that webmasters can put in their sites that will give users convenient summary information about their search results at a glance. Read More
I realize that a traditional 9-5 employee also needs a break, but there is something a little different when working from home. Read More

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