Tomgorski voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Facebook launched the new iOS app for Facebook Events. After all, there are 650 million people (around the globe) who use Facebook Events to access information on meetups, events, fests, carnivals and parties near them. Read More
You work your heart off on an excellent idea, you come up with a cool software, that you believe, will be loved by its users, you put it on your website for people to subscribe and... pause! Nobody shows up, and you are stuck. Notice any software on an unsuccessful SaaS startup that is just 'stuck' Read More
70% of B2B marketers produce more content than they did a year before. Given that you should publish your content across so many channels, it is virtually impossible to do everything manually, here’s a list of 21 Content Marketing Tools you should get familiar with and automate your work! Read More
It’s one heck of a challenge, isn’t it?
You’ve built a fantastic product, developed the exact solution to your target audience’s major pain point. You’ve done all the testing too and you know that it works.
And now you need to convince potential users to try it out.
You have to find a way to per Read More
A solid content marketing strategy is the foundation of every startup’s growth.
But from my experience, you get much more return if its managed by a person inside the company.
This post is a good starting point to a process of finding one for your company. Read More
Knowing what makes people click is essential for any online business, regardless of its size and field of expertise. Understanding your visitors means you can get on the same wavelength with them, which is ultimately the goal of most Internet marketers. Read More
For every SaaS startup growth is critical. For one, you need to ensure a steady influx of new users until the funds run out. Using various growth hacking tactics gives you an opportunity to propel that growth.
And here are 21 tactics that could help you with that. Read More
I’m sure you know how important it is to track progress. But are you sure you’re tracking the right ones though? In this post I’ll show you 21 metrics I think every SaaS startup should track! Read More
How can brands determine the return on investment from their social media campaigns?

Salesforce Marketing Cloud prepared the infographic below, with details on how to accomplish the following five steps:

1. Choose your goals.
2. Determine which metrics will help you measure your success.
3. Read More
How to get website traffic from social media sites despite changing algorithms. 7 social media sites are analyzed. Read More

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