Tomgorski voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What are the best sales tools to drive your team to more success? In this article, we focus on five essential tools that leverage technology to spur more won deals. They help increase sales velocity, identify promising leads, turns sales pitches into personalized conversations and, generally, short Read More

10 Blogging 'Firsts' to Celebrate (From Launch Onwards)

Avatar Posted by kimonos under Resources
From 2244 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on June 6, 2018 10:14 pm
Do you ever look at other bloggers and feel you’ll never catch up to where they are?

Perhaps they have hundreds – or thousands, or even hundreds of thousands – of subscribers to their email newsletter. Maybe they’re making a full-time living blogging, or even employing a whole team of staff. Read More
Some founders may hold the view that the time necessary to keep the venture capitalist in the loop is better spent on the pressing tasks of acquiring customers, running the business or upgrading product offerings. This is a misconception. Developing good lines of communication with venture capitali Read More
How to build a reliable sales forecast for your company? If you want an accurate prediction, this involves intuition, predictive analysis and a really good CRM tool. In this guide we’ll walk you through all the steps you need to take to be successful at sales forecasting. Sales forecasting helps yo Read More
In this article, we explain the importance of creating customer surveys - and doing so in a way that maximizes the value of each response received. We then dive into a discussion of the main things to think about when choosing a survey software for your organization. Throughout the article, we disc Read More
If you are a Facilities or Maintenance Manager, you probably have questions or reservations about your current CMMS software, especially if it doesn’t perform as well as you think it should. Is your CMMS software serving you adequately or leaving you short-changed? Are you struggling to keep on top Read More
There are numerous content management systems out there. Depending on the needs, the choice for a good CMS can be easy to make or veey difficult. Each system on the market is designed with a clear focus. Some systems might thus have some inadequacies when it comes to handling specific tasks. In gen Read More
You must have heard this quite a few times that 80% sales come from 20% of your existing customers. These are the golden words of B2B marketing (and also B2C). The only difference between these two is that B2B marketing involves a longer sales cycle which in-turn requires much more focus on retaini Read More
Email marketing software is used by businesses to send out promotional emails to their customers. At the same time, email marketing is an effective method that boost brand awareness with a technique that has the capacity to scale across diverse audiences. This type of marketing includes transaction Read More
IT service management (ITSM) software can be used by companies to plan and deliver reliable IT services to their customers and cater to their various needs. ITSM software enables businesses to implement a process-driven approach to IT management and facilitates continuous improvement. This system a Read More

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