Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every day, businesses face problems that need repair. Sometimes, they are very complex. For example – how can we improve our bottom line, or how can we improve customer sentiment?

No matter the problem, though, there are always two ways to solve them.

First there is the easy way, and then, th Read More
One way you can make money by owning your own business is to buy a franchise. While some franchise experiences are poor, there are high quality franchises that can help you earn money. Read More
Two authors from Winnipeg, Manitoba are trying to raise funds to start a charitable program which will have the goal of helping those in need through educationa Read More
Becoming a leader is hard but doable for anyone if you know exactly what you want in life and define who you are, what you believe, and what you value. Read More

The Power of Negative Events in Your Startup

The Power of Negative Events in Your Startup - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 4712 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on August 15, 2011 12:40 am
Managing and motivating a team in a startup is more than just using the right interpersonal skills. It’s more than providing recognition, tangible incentives, and clear work goals. A key influencer of satisfaction and motivation, top-ranked by employees, is positive progress and the completion of m Read More
CommentLuv plugin has served us well. Is it time to turn it off though? Is it bad for SEO? See what I think about it in this post. Read More

Ecommerce SEO: Site Navigation and Link Bait

Ecommerce SEO: Site Navigation and Link Bait - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Online Marketing
From 4712 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on August 13, 2011 1:16 pm
Creating in depth product reviews and other link bait is a great way to get natural links for Ecommerce site. I find it useful to create a piece of link bait on a page that is not trying to sell the product and push it hard in social media which will result in some great inbound links.
Read More

Asking for Referrals from Current Customers

Asking for Referrals from Current Customers - Avatar Posted by expertbusiness under Sales
From 4712 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on August 12, 2011 11:22 pm
Asking for a referral from your customers or clients can be tricky. Here are the do's and don'ts for how to ask and how to ensure you get one from your customers. Read More
Sales training

How sales people lose sales that they should have won

I have recently noticed a common mistake committed by too many sales people that is causing them to lose valuable sales.
I want to tell you exactly what the error is, so you can avoid losing sales that you should have made. Read More
While i was doing my routine SEO check on Findmyblogway, a little surprise welcome me on the screen. My Google Pagerank has climbed from 1 to 3. When Google did an update on their algorithm, Findmyblogway pagerank finally shake off the big zero and turned into one. Within two months, it has climbed Read More

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