Torstenmueller voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Solo Ad Escape is a PDF guide in 4 chapters explaining exactly the situation of the solo ad market and why it becomes worse and worse. it also explains how to escape this situation with using alternative methods to drive traffic to your funnel. Read More
I have been watching BBC2’s The Fixer. If you’re not familiar with the show, expert “fixer” Alex Polizzi (perhaps most famous as ‘The Hotel Inspector’) works with struggling businesses to help them them troubleshoot, change their approach and achieve business success. - See more at: http://www.jonn Read More
Wicked Smart Marketing Techniques - SEM Rush. How To Out-Do Your Competition. This weeks wicked smart marketing technique gets down to outranking your competition. Read More
Little is know about these other popular apps and it’s interesting to learn about what inspired the founders to create these now immensely successful apps. Read More
The story of your start-up begins with a great idea. Thankfully, nurturing and developing the idea is often the hardest part. After you’ve survived the agony and the ecstasy of first envisioning, then selling your start-up idea to yourself and others, the actual work can begin. And it’s then that a Read More
In the SmartCompany 2014 Small Business Technology Survey 56 percent of small to medium-sized enterprises reported being reluctant to use a CRM. The overall trend does still show an increase from 36 percent using CRMs in 2013 to 41 percent in 2014. That indicates that businesses are increasingly ha Read More
A 500 internal server error is both annoying and is a nightmare to website owners. Find out what you can do if you encounter one.
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Corporate360, a Singapore-based sales intelligence software company, announced the launch of its marketing data software suite, Prospectr. Read More
It’s almost 2 years when I started to work with Positionly. It wasn’t the first time I was working with a start-up, but it was the first time in my career when I had a chance to help it grow from the very beginning. Read More
Are your blog posts irresistibly sharable? This article how to use your blog to improve social media shares on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Read More

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