Torstenmueller voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The word an entrepreneur loves to hear is "yes" and it comes from faith, trust and curiosity. A landing page is a moment of decision where 7 short seconds can make all the difference. As the seconds click by, here are barriers to getting a "Yes! I will complete the form and give you my real informa Read More
To get to the core of how to nurture and develop top leadership talent and qualities in an organization, there are five basic strategies to promote effective leadership and walk them down the aisle of success. Read More
Accepting online donation is one of those old practices which is helping organizations to raise funds for long time. Specially for non profit and charity organizations donations can be a good source of income to support their cause. Read More

Do You Know The Best Way To Save Money On Mailing Lists?

Learn the tricks for buying mailing lists cheap.

#books #magazines #news #business #catalogs #directmail Read More
All the “cool kids” — the experts — advise you to have a content marketing strategy. But the more content everyone creates, the harder it becomes for YOUR content to stand out. A startup called Wheeldo thinks the answer to that is gamification. Read More
Does your job require excessive sitting? I don't want to alarm you but make you aware that sitting for long hours can be unhealthy. There are many reasons to switch to a standing desk, or even better, to a sit-stand workstation.

Well, in today's post, you get to know all about the dangers of si Read More
Things are always changing over at Facebook. For the last little while, there were some “best practices” recommended to small business owners such as like-gating or click-baiting. Well, you can now throw those out the window!
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The Complete Noob Guide to Ghostwriting

The Complete Noob Guide to Ghostwriting - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Public Relations
From 3562 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on October 9, 2014 9:33 am
When you have a story to tell or ideas to express, getting them down on paper is key to spreading the word. This is true for those who have a message to share, story to tell or product to sell. Businesses and people alike have content that needs to be written from time-to-time, but when they’re una Read More
If you are looking for a boost, you have to watch this video. You have more in common with these famous failures turned legendary trail-blazers than you could ever imagine. Read More
What is your favorite tool for automating social media marketing and why? The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) Read More

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