Torstenmueller voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social media has turned into an integral part of internet marketing. I presume that the top businesses use aggressive social media tactics to get sales & leads and thus they stay active on popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn. But there is a tremendous place existin Read More
Do you know of the 80 20 rule? It is sometimes called the Pareto principle.

80 20 rule is a key concept in time management training.

If you knew and applied the 80 20 rule rigorously you could radically reduce the volume of work you do, whilst simultaneously increasing your value.

The Va Read More
Home Work podcast, episode #122. Dave and Aaron discuss a listener question about how to handle a work space that is also your personal space. Plus, Dave gives us all the finger, and it hurts. Read More
Michele Price brings you weekly access to the top minds to Master the Inner and Outer Game of business on Breakthrough Radio. Guests:

Randy Krum, Author Cool Infographics, Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design.
Andrea Waltz, author Go For No and keynote speaker-Challenging Read More

Is The Email “Open” Really The Goal?

Is The Email “Open” Really The Goal?  - Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From 3597 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on August 30, 2014 10:49 am
I read an intriguing post from Jim Keenan about Subject Lines That Work For Sales Emails.

It showed an infographic about the subject lines that maximized email opens. The top 5 are:
1.RE: (with 92% opens)
2.RE: Follow Up (with 90% opens)
3.RE: Update (with 89% opens)
4.RE: Introduction Read More
It's movie time! Grab the popcorn and have a look at what we have queued up. What would you add to this list? Add your suggestions to the comments below. Read More
When someone unsubscribes from your mailing list, their email address is automatically suppressed from your list of subscribers. But usually it’s not deleted.

Did you know that there's a hidden problem there? Some companies charge you not only for your subscribers but also for the unsubscribes.. Read More
When it comes to designing your ecommerce store to maximize conversions, you would intuitively think that copying another successful online store would be the Read More
In any conversation there is always the possibility of misunderstandings.

You really need to know how to avoid misunderstandings.
You can avoid misunderstandings by asking the right questions.
But how do you know what are “the right questions”?

If you want to know, please read on ……………
Read More
The secret to customer delight is to provide outstanding value. Here's something your competition probably isn't doing. Read More

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