Tuckerleroy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Entrepreneurs have to know when and how to say ‘no,’ and be good at delivering the message. All startup leaders are besieged with requests for their time, attention, talent, money, or influence, and sometimes even good requests won’t fit into the time and energy you have available. Read More
Social media has taken over. Now everything is possible. Getting in contact with millions of people or getting them through social media to visit your website. Read More
By mastering these fundamental email marketing metrics, you’re laying the groundwork for, what we like to call, “expert analysis." Read More
Do you despair over the high percentage of ecommerce shopping carts that go abandoned on your site? You might be worrying unnecessarily. Website conversion company SeeWhy reported that the shopping cart abandonment rate rose in 2011 (as it has for the past three years) and predicts this trend will Read More
30 Website Secrets: Transcribed Video - See how you can increase website traffic and get more sales with the 30 Website Secrets - Learn about Transcribed Video here. Read More
Think about how much time you invest in creating relationships. How many hours do you spend on the phone, in-person, answering emails and text messages and so forth—whether they are personal or business relationships, connecting with people takes time and effort. Creating social media relationships Read More
Way back in the early days of the Internet the search engines considered all of the meta information of a website as part of the ranking algorithm. As time went on, the search engines began paying more attention to the actual website content. Today, the meta description may not be a ranking factor Read More
By Caron Beesley. Looking to hire an intern this summer? Internship programs are a smart recruitment strategy for small businesses, allowing you to nurture and feed your full-time hiring efforts. Here are six tips to help guide you through the process of setting up an internship program, and inform Read More
While your products and public relations efforts might be what attracts customers the first time, it customer service that will keep them coming back.

Some valuable lessons and a great customer experience from UPrinting customer service.
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New environments bring new terminology. If your stuggling to make sense of some of the new terminology that comes with online business, then heres a quick resource to have you up to speed. Read More

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