Tuckerleroy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many Businesses are also using Pinterest to drive web traffic, according to Shareaholics latest referral traffic report: Pinterest has sent more referral traffic to other websites than twitter in Febuary. So if your business thrives off of website traffic to generate leads and sales, Pinterest is d Read More
Small businesses in the United States always have to make sure that they file taxes in a correct and legal manner. According to the latest data, the odds of being audited if you are a small business owner are against you. Small business owners are 30% more likely to be audited today than they were Read More
When adversity strikes your business, as an owner it's tempting to feel defeated. But, the ones who ultimately push through the tough times and continue taking action are the ones who really reap the rewards of Entrepreneurship. Read More
This 4th installment of our Small Business Social Media Guide focuses on the nitty gritty for Facebook (including the new timeline for business pages), Google+, and tips for Social Listening. Read More
When it comes to Internet popularity, SEO is like jet fuel for your business. Here are some reasons why you need it and some tips on how to use it! Read More
How To Write an Email: Sue Hershkowitz-Coore, the author of Power Sales Writing, goes over numerous tips and tricks on connecting with prospects in this segment from a recent interview. In this segment, Sue talks about How To Write an Email. Read More

Grow Your Business With Segmentation | M4B Marketing

Grow Your Business With Segmentation | M4B Marketing - http://www.m4bmarketing.com Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 4471 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on April 4, 2012 3:18 pm
Target market segmentation is one of the simpler ways to ensure your marketing strategies build your business and strengthen customer relationships. Here are a few benefits. Read More
They key to the success of a sales and marketing campaign is how the leaders handle the team. It is not enough that leaders lead, they should be great motivators. Read More
There are certain things that all very-successful franchise owners do, and I've listed 10 of the most important here. Check out this franchise blog post, and please pass it on to those looking at franchise ownership...and that want to win! Read More
As your business grows, you will be faced with the increasing realization that you cannot do it all on your own. Trying to do so will leave you completely consumed with working in your business, never finding the time to focus on the growth and future of your business.

During the early years of Read More

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