Waltgoshert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to use relevant keywords or phrases on your website or blog to drive qualified traffic your way. By using the appropriate keywords, you will be able to increase your search result rankings and become a thought leader for your industry. Plus a tool to see what sort of keywords you should be using. Read More

23 Great Direct Mail Tips For Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by jsternal under Direct Marketing
From http://www.understandingmarketing.com 5303 days ago
Made Hot by: iannarino on March 24, 2010 4:59 pm
When done correctly, direct mail can be a highly effective resource for entrepreneurs and small businesses, even when working together with email marketing. Here are 23 ways your direct mail may be failing you. And although there is talk that the U.S. Postal Service is going to cut down the number of days it delivers mail, entrepreneurs will still capitalize from direct mail to grow their busines Read More
The key difference between an order-taker and a sales-maker is their approach and this approach makes a tremendous difference in their sales results. Read More

Social Media: It's about People not Tools

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From http://bloggertone.com 5303 days ago
Made Hot by: WayneLiew on March 23, 2010 11:23 pm
What has been our biggest learning in our attempts to drive adoption of Social Media inside the corporation? Social Media is about People, not about Tools. Read More
Tap the power of photos to market your local business online.

7 low-cost, yet effective ideas you can use to make your local business “Picture Perfect” online. Read More
A transparent look at why banner ads don't work and why content sponsorships and advertising are becoming more and more effective. An inside look of how The Rise To The Top does sponsorships. Read More

Getting a great write up in a publication your prospects and customers read is still one of the most powerful marketing opportunities going. From a trust standpoint few things beat the mention of your firm by what is seen as an unbiased 3rd party. In fact, and I can hear the PR folks cheering now, a well placed article just might be worth 5-10 times more than an ad in the same publication. Read More
Writing a great press release quote doesn’t have to be painful, though. In fact, I think it’s one of the most important elements of the press release. It’s also a big reason why we spend time going over the important elements of a press release in the all-important PR Toolkit for small business. Read More
A post I wrote Friday about struggling with increasing my network got an incredible response! I received a ton of great comments on this blog and in the LinkedIn discussions where I posted a link . One comment in particular was so compelling that I asked the author if I could re-post it here for everyone to read... Read More
A great tip on handing out a PowerPoint presentation - how to get your point across even better. How to add relevant information without wasting valuable slide real estate. Read More

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