Waltgoshert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

By forcing me to contact the company in order to get more information about the product, the company is creating a new touchpoint in their marketing process. Great; so now the company can contact all of their leads, people who figure that the additional information regarding the product line is worth the time taken to contact the firm. The pro Read More

Consider These Things When Commenting on Blogs

Avatar Posted by mssux under Online Marketing
From http://www.smallbusinessnewz.com 5981 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 5, 2008 10:50 pm
If you haven't noticed, some blogs are a lot stricter with their comment policies than others. I have recently advocated using blog comments as a way of promoting your site, but not in a form that is in any way spammy. The best way to get traffic from blog comments is to link your name to your site. This will give them the opportunity to see Read More
Gas is expensive but the higher it gets the more reason we'll have to innovate solutions. In this country we don't tackle a problem until a crisis is staring us in the face - but we're wired that way. Read More
Three examples of what can be done very effectively by ordinary persons at minimal cost. Read More

Zappos Shows How Social Media Is Done

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Online Marketing
From http://www.readwriteweb.com 5984 days ago
Made Hot by: scottfox on May 5, 2008 5:28 pm
What's more stereotypically trivial than shoe shopping? Using Twitter, of course! Online shoe retailer Zappos does shoes and social media remarkably well. Scores of bloggers, lots of video blogging and 198 employees on Twitter help keep the company's profile high and humanize the folks behind the shoe sales. Of all the different types of soci Read More

Nail Down Your Unique Selling Proposition... | The Marketing Caddy

Avatar Posted by waltgoshert under Marketing
From http://themarketingcaddy.com 5987 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 30, 2008 1:45 pm
What's a Unique Selling Proposition— and Why Do you Need One Now More than Ever So, what the heck is a USP— really? And, what's the big deal about having my very own USP? Why do I need to spend time and energy on this boring marketing junk? Read More
Morgan Stanley's Internet Trends report from last month takes a big turn from previous reports - the focus is nearly 100% on social applications and how they are taking over the Internet Read More

Call To Action Buttons - Does Size Matter?

Avatar Posted by morecowbell under Online Marketing
From http://www.getelastic.com 5987 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 30, 2008 1:19 am
Can a small change to your website's action buttons make a big difference in conversions? Many conversion optimization cheerleaders suggest that larger buttons convert better, and some tests show even different colors can perform better. Marketing Sherpa credits cart button design as one of 7 tweaks that helped Newegg.com boost online sales by 30 Read More

Microsites Still Have Marketers' Attention

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Online Marketing
From http://www.emarketer.com 5988 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 29, 2008 1:41 pm
If you build a microsite, they will come, they will engage and you can get the data to prove it. That is the main finding of a newly released Keynote Competitive Research study conducted in October 2007. The company tracked reactions of consumers planning to buy an automobile within the next six months as they interacted with microsites for va Read More

Digg to BizSugar for Online Business Networkers

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Resources
From http://wahnewstoday.com 5988 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 29, 2008 1:39 pm
We all know about Digg and the benefits of using this service! The social network area is becoming a huge hit and Digg is a big time player. But what if I told you there was a site “just for” small to medium size business owners that functioned just like Digg does? Would you go take a look? Instead of people sorting through (unrelated) categ Read More

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