Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Have you ever wondered how social networking ads would look like back in the 1960s? Fret not, Brazilian ad agency Moma Propaganda has created an awesome ad series based on how they would like in that era as part of their “Everything Ages Fast” campaign for Maximidia Seminars. The series comprises of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Skype. Read More
Do you use a checklist to help you with sales? Here is a great way to organize questions and make sure that you cover off everything you should so that you can grow your sales Read More
Jason Falls reviews five social media management tools for franchise and multiple-location businesses, in this well written post... Read More
Seth Godin may have come up with the ultimate training manual for customers of businesses large and small. It's only one post long and can result in customers who are either the most pleasant to deal with or those who we all dread for whom nothing is ever right. The secret, Seth says, is that the ones you get depend upon you Read More
You can use wire transfers to help you with your banking needs. Wire transfers can offer peace of mind, as well as speedy results Read More
Do you want to know 5 tips for finding value for your clients or prospects? This will help you look at helping clients and it will also help you grow your sales. Read More
Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the best entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and elsewhere. On the average, the entrepreneurs I know are broke. But one thing they all seem to have in common is a love for learning and change. They rush in with a passion to better the world, and money is just an indication of their progress Read More
Why is it that some employees blindly follow the most meager parameters for providing customer service, while others go the extra mile with seemingly no skin off their noses? Lehigh Valley opinion and news blogger Shakur Pfist recounts one interesting customer service story amid minor ranting and raving, illustrating what it takes to provide exceptional customer service in small business.. Read More
Thanks to Danny Brown, we now know much more about each of the top 5 social networks. The list includes interesting and even mind-boggling facts about Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and RSS Read More
Here is way to show your clients what they would need to sell to achieve your savings http://bit.ly/9VBvCL #selling Read More

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