Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Cisco’s 2010 Midyear Security Report found that workers in the enterprise are accessing their favorite social networking sites on company-issued equipment even when corporate policies prohibit them from doing so. Read More
How creating a truly shocking product can generate huge profits... even if you don't think anyone will ever buy it Read More

An organization may spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to create the ‘perfect’ ad for them; where it encompasses the values and beliefs of the company through a single television spot. However, these are arguably having smaller impacts on sales. On the other hand, you have a source of basically free advertising with built-in audiences and tremendous potential for ancillary PR through user-generated advertisings. Read More
The Japanese are very smart people, and customer service is just one aspect that they've figured out ahead of the rest of the world. Seeing business in their culture can be an eye-opening experience. Read More
If you own a business and aren’t working out at least 3 times a week, you need to start immediately. Also included, are some tips for staying with the habit. Read More

Avoiding Customer Frustration: Clear Communications

Avatar Posted by ajayjoya under Strategy
From http://www.flyteblog.com 5176 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on August 2, 2010 4:48 pm
Take a look at your own process; is there a point (or two) in which there’s often customer confusion? If so, what can you do to fix that? Is there a place where communication goes down a black hole, like the call button near the elevator Read More

6 Ways To Waste Your Time on Social Media

Avatar Posted by kurbain under Social Media
From http://www.xspond.com 5176 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on August 3, 2010 7:13 pm
Social Media Marketing is a helpful tool, but you have to be careful not to waste time on unnecessary and even harmful actions in your quest to make the most of this new tool. Here are six big time-wasters to be aware of Read More
Trying to find an email address for a sales prospect? Here is how to use Google to find those hard to find prospects email addresses Read More
What the HELL are people thinking? Or are they not thinking at all?

Some things have to be seen to be believed.. Read More
Two days ago, Bizsugar led me to a really good post- "How to Find Thousands More Prospects for Your Business" and a couple of questions. What happens to the 95% of your visitors that don't convert? How can figuring it out help us develop a mature online marketing strategy Read More

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