Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Last part of our blogging guide talks about very important stuff - getting visitors and more importantly, how to make them return. Read More
If we are truly looking to engage with customers and prospects….is it better to jump up and down in our showrooms, exclaiming our virtues…or rather walk up and down Main Street, shaking hands and offering our assistance to our neighbors Read More
Designer Tiffany Lerman was inspired by her two sons to start a bubbling new business, creating bath products for kids. Tiffany started Tiny Tillia from her home and has successfully grown and expanded her business. See her business success story Read More
Being different is one of the quickest and most effective ways to get business found by customers. In today’s world we are constantly being bombarded by so much marketing noise that we need to find a way to cut through the noise and make our business and products have a place in our targeted customers’ mind. However, that sometimes is easier said then done Read More
Do you Tweet? Are you using Hootesuite to help you manage your tweets? Here is a video to show you how to use HooteSuite to manage your tweets Read More

Simple Customer Service Marketing Tips

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Customer Service
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5207 days ago
Made Hot by: 9devon9 on June 29, 2010 12:42 pm
Regardless of whether you sell a product or service, run a solo business or have employees it is essential you have a customer service program in place as part of your marketing program. The best customer service programs are simple to understand and implement and are focussed on adding value to your customers. So here are a few tips to consider when implementing a customer service program: Read More
In the midst of the global economic crisis, many small businesses are on the brink of closing down if not enough capital infusion is found. It is now even more difficult to get small business loans from banks, though. Ironically, the exact reasons why small businesses need such small business loans – the fact that business has slowed down and profitability has plummeted – are the same reasons why banks turn them down for loans Read More
What are the things that a buyer really evaluates when scanning the business horizon for their next investment? I have narrowed it down to three fundamental things regardless of price Read More
Doubt leads to a conversation of possible options and then a decision is made. The key piece here is the conversation, whether or not it is a "self-conversation", that is started by doubt. Why do we avoid doubt? An internal conversation, a "self-conversation" could allow doubt to be used productively for ourselves and our small businesses Read More
SEO and link building is tiresome. Embracing social media in your webpreneurial journey can get you far to achieve what's important beyond SEO and link building Read More

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