Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Being organised is crucial for small business owners who haven't enough hours in the day to do everything. Here are six simple tips to follow to become better organised. Read More
Take the opportunity and ask me a question by filling out the form in the right column (under the section "Recent Comments"), or by or by clicking the link to Formspring.me. For information on Formspring, listen to Amber MacArthur's and Sarah Lane's interview with Ade Olonoh, CEO and founder of Formspring.me.

Maybe you have a question on my new site, EGO Sole Trader, or want to know some similar curio stuff that I described in my post, SEVEN THINGS ABOUT ME. Read More

How Social Media Helps Your Business Make Money

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From http://www.bizsugar.com 5213 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on June 23, 2010 1:46 pm
Want to know how social media will help you grow your business? Amazingly, many small business owners continue to doubt the effectiveness of social media sites as a marketing or better yet a sales tool. Here we look at some of the ways social media achieves the same results we might expect from more traditional techniques aimed at building your business's sales Read More
First, allow me to apologize.  Very frequently, I get caught up in marketing speak such as Target Market, Audience, Demographic, when describing the customers that I serve. This post will show you how to make your website more human Read More
How to determine whether there is too much competition and sufficient demand for you to pursue your online business idea Read More
After I wrote yesterday's article "Who's Got Your Back" about my traumatic, and lesson teaching, experience with the death of my beloved Macbook 'Larry', I went over and posted the article for my friends and fellow Third Tribe members as a warning to them to BACK UP YOUR WORK. Read More
With all things being equal, the people with the MOST drive, passion and creativity are going to win. Not those going for the quick buck. Read More
Beer ads suck! Dumb marketing attracts dumb customers. How smart do you have to be to buy your product or service? Make sure your marketing is complimenting your customer's intelligence and not insulting it. Engage them, not enrage them Read More
This is about the Taste of Technology series, created and hosted by Ramon Ray of Smallbiztechnology. This is one of the first sessions, with cloud computing as the subject. Speakers from dropio, Microsoft, and Google answered audience questions on cloud computing, security and browser compatibility Read More

You’ve Got Mail – Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

Avatar Posted by CIKMarketing under Marketing
From http://www.cikmarketing.ca 5213 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on June 24, 2010 4:02 pm
Your business is booming, but you’re having trouble converting first-time customers into repeat clients. You need a marketing strategy that’s persuasive but not pushy; what your company needs is a successful email marketing plan Read More

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