Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Webinars are a great way to promote your product or service. Here are 17 tips that can help you when you are putting on a webinar Read More
Pop-culture connects. It is about shared experiences and memories. It's a GREAT way to spice up a business-blog and readers LOVE it! From Elvis to the Beatles, from Ghandi to Watergate, from Warhol to '67 Chevys, get it in your blog Read More
Product testing is an integral piece of ensuring quality in business delivery. Testing is often seen as the domain of IT but it applies to any business serious about delivering great work to their clients Read More

Cutting the Dead Wood: Effective Ways to Edit Your Content

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From http://bloggertone.com 5227 days ago
Made Hot by: PeaceNLove on June 9, 2010 4:31 pm
Editing your content is a little like gardening. In business, as in gardening, we gather a lot of dead wood which we’re too busy or preoccupied to cut it away. Read More

Too Many Ideas and Not Enough Action

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5227 days ago
Made Hot by: Portfolio33 on June 8, 2010 5:12 pm
One of the best things about having your own business is that you do not have a boss telling you that your idea isn’t any good. You have the freedom to come up with all these ideas, but do you take action? As there are no shortages of ideas coming at you, how do you sort through them and take action on the ones that apply? I think it comes down to a couple of questions:

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Play School is a half hour children’s program aimed at encouraging a child to wonder, to think, to feel and to imagine. That’s not much different from the goal of most blogs. It occurred to me bloggers could learn a lot from the Play School presenters. Here are some of their tricks that easily translate into great blogging techniques. Read More
I support large sales organizations trying to get the most out of generally very talented people. Unfortunately, many of these people don’t believe it. Or have forgotten it along the way. And it all comes out in a flurry of reasons why I can’t.

Now I’m not a mindless follower of the think yourself rich cult, but I do know (as my Dad often said) “Can’t Never Did Anything. Read More
I’ve had several clients recently ask me the same question: “Where’s the lead market headed next?”

Well, I’m no soothsayer or seer, but I think these kind of trends are pretty easy to breakdown into reasonable predictions. So, better than giving you a one line prediction. I’ll give you a freebie and walk you through some of my analysis Read More
Friday I wrote a post about how frustrating it can be to find time for blogging (or social media in general) when other time pressures seem overwhelming. I'm thrilled at the great responses I got, and I'd like to share a few of my favorite tips that I received from readers Read More
I'm often asked the following questions by clients and readers:

"How can I set myself apart from my competitiors?"

"How can I define myself in the market?"

"How can I reach out and bring in customers?"

My simple answer to all of these, and similar questions, is Relationship Building.

We aren't talking 'customer service' here, customer service is how average businesses deal with customers....we are talking about creating an environment where your customer sees you as their friend. Where you build a level of trust, credibility and respect, and your business becomes part of their worldview.

This is Relationship Building, and this is how exceptional businesses communicate with customers Read More

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