Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Have you heard about Wibiya toolbar? I think I first saw it on Amanda's site, My Recipe Finds. I have then found it on other sites, e.g., John Jantsch's Duct Tape Marketing and Robert Scoble's Scobleizer. Please spread the good word by sharing the posts via Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Buzz, BizSugar or by email. This feature is powered by AddThi Read More
"You are getting sleepy...your eyes are getting heavy." Nope, it's not "parlor-game" hypnosis where you are made to bark like a dog. This is the real deal, and as I've found it recently, it is an EXCELLENT way to bring focus, concentration and increased productivity to work.. Read More
Do you want to know 313 reasons to get you website or blog listed on DMOZ? DMOZ is a human edited directory that feeds up to 313 other directories, which means you will get found on line quicker and in more places. How to get listed on DMOZ Read More
Pew Research recently released a study that focuses on individuals’ online identities, which takes into consideration reputation management and what people are really using online social tools for. Flowtown has generously decided to highlight the most interesting findings from these reports in the graphic below. Read More
Market research is a fundamental building block for your business. Market research is perceived as expensive, but it doesn't need to be so. In fact, much can be done for free. It is just really important that you actually do it Read More
A bank's commercial mortgage guidelines are quite different from the ones used to qualify people for residential mortgages. Here are some key things to be aware of. Read More
What the bleep did I just see? Was this an omen or a wakeup call? Or just plain weirdness? Confidence and optimism has come up in over and over in business news reports from Ireland, Germany, and China. If the general public is anxious and pessimistic, what do small business owners feel? Embedded in this intersection of optimism and confidence is.. Read More
With the recent publicity of FaceBook and it’s new open graph businesses are scrambling to make the most of the worlds largest social network Read More
Those who have become disillusioned with the online job search and have made a lot of efforts trying to find the job think that celebrities have always bee Read More
Hacking has been around as long as computers as a way to reconfigure or reprogram a system to give access to someone who otherwise shouldn’t have access. In the media, any electronics manipulation is often referred to as hacking, though “cracking” may often be more appropriate. Thanks to hacking, computer geeks can be cool and dangerous. Read More

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