Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Perhaps it is because so much of our communication is done over the internet?

Perhaps because we deal with many faceless 'business relationships' in our web 2.0 world?

Perhaps because we are flat out lazy?

No matter what the reason, the fine art of follow through seems to be disappearing from our communication strategy. Not only is this bad business, this is rude. Read More
Getting your tax return right the first time is something all business owners and individuals strive to achieve. However, an incredibly complex and ever-changing tax system means we all make mistakes, even the IRS! This article sheds some light on how to correct common tax mistakes, while providing guidance for handling tax disputes and tips on preventing an IRS audit. Read More
Companies need to realize that the only way they have the authority to email you is if you opt in. If you opt in to receiving their emails for one purpose and they send you non-related emails for another purpose, that is considered spam Read More
To blog or not to blog – that is the question. Are you a 1st-time blogger? Have fears kept you up at night as you wonder how you'll do it? This article addresses the very real and understandable concerns of clients we’ve worked with as they face the decision of whether and how to blog Read More
Well, if you’re like me, you’ve often glanced at the glossy mag entitled “Consumer Reports” at the local supermarket checkout line…but if you’re like me you seldom every buy. I mean honestly, who needs to know the “Top 10 Refridgerator Models for 2010!” anyways…I mean come on, eh? There’s only so much to research and once you determine how many Canadians you can stock in the “beer crisper,” how much more do you need to know, eh? Ahh…but that’s not ALL that this well known, big-rep magazine offers to it’s readers, I’ve just learned! Read More
Today I gave presentations to Grade 9 and 12 students at Carlton Comprehensive High School for career day. I told them about what I do and I gave them a couple of questions to try out being a business consultant. I came up with four rules for them to find their best career choice Read More
If you have been hesitating to use "local" online marketing tools because you don’t believe they can work to promote your small business locally, you might want to take a second look! Once you do, you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy and cost effective they can be Read More
A great tip on how to have better success in customer conversion. Get the customer to commit by asking the right questions and saying the right things. People live up to commitments, especially a public commitment. Small Changes can make a big difference Read More
Is twitter evolved into a social news medium? That is what a recently released research report indicates.
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Hotels can leverage Inbound Marketing to reach more people, build relationships with those folks, and ultimately drive sales. Here are 4 Inbound Marketing ideas Read More

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