Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Need to explain What is Twitter to a client, colleague or friend? tweeternet is a quick, one page introduction to Twitter. Read More
A recent report from The Social Media Examiner shows small business and sold proprietors are gaining significant benefit from social media marketing activities. This post summarizes the findings. Read More
Getting the business is only the beginning - you have to be paid. Sometimes it's tough collecting from good clients and it can be a battle collecting from bad ones. Here's how to get paid on time, pr Read More
My goal is to teach you how create an Online Personal Brand that maximizes your personal and business success. If you want to develop a personal brand that presents “you” to the world in the most eff Read More
When it comes to sizzle, green is red hot. However, it doesn’t have to be the environmentalists versus the capitalists. A good capitalist subscribes to the same basic principles as a good environment Read More
Everything is a process, right? Leslie knows all about that. She's a mom from Charleston, SC, who never predicted that she would become a small business owner. Thanks for sharing your story, Leslie; a Read More
The deadline for the Eighth Annual American Business Awards is fast approaching. Applications must be in by April 30. Have a look at the full announcement at this link to Small Business Trends with s Read More
Overview of criteria I use when deciding what communications roles I have my business owner clients fill and which ones I do myself. The following are a few quick guidelines I tend to use when makin Read More
Here a two key sales-boosting ideas from John Jantsch's upcoming book, The Referral Engine: Make a Referral Monday and how to ask your contacts to teach you how to refer prospects to them. Read More
Here are some practical tips for marketing and growing your customer base as a Small Business.
Be choosy about your customers, identify your ideal customer base and aim your marketing efforts at the Read More

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