Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Each week I share the articles I enjoyed reading on BizSugar with some of the thoughts they inspired on international business. Here are the articles I read last week. Read More
A few weeks ago Shawn Collins, co-founder of Affiliate Summit, was kind enough to send me a review copy of  Internet Marketing from the Real Experts.  This softcover book is a collection of tips from well-known Internet marketers. Read More
It is reasonable to ask if commercial banking has more potential disasters about to emerge based on what has been seen and reported so far. Banks and other lenders have experienced both poor operating results and negative publicity for the past year or more. Read More
Managing today's businesses has been remarkably different. Everything, including in the business world, now happens in a wink of an eye or simply, with the click of the mouse. Outsourcing is a common thing in the business environment nowadays. It has now become a trend even of small businesses.
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Want more revenue? Well, harness the power of brand focus, clarity, simplicity, and utility by benchmarking yourself to Tiffany & Co. so you can gauge your offering’s sales & marketing strength and how to improve it. Read this article to understand how. Read More
Personally, I feel that businesses who want to create their own community must first act less like a business and more of an individual with the human touch. Read More
Be a customer for a day. If you don’t act like one of your own customers once in a while, you’re missing a great opportunity to see how your company and customer service looks from the outside.
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Great salespeople have the ability to create high-level rapport with their prospects and their clients. Great salespeople have the ability to connect on a very human level. This rapport is built upon the salesperson’s empathy and their emotional intelligence. Here are 5 ways you can improve your empathy and emotional intelligence. Read More
How do you make sales more personal, tell a story that your client can relate to. You stand a better chance of making a connections and getting a sale if make your client understands how your product helps others. Read More

Social media marketing for professional services

Social media marketing for professional services - http://www.channelship.ie Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From http://www.channelship.ie 5231 days ago
Made Hot by: BusyWoman on March 2, 2010 8:48 am
Some consultants might say that their clients are not online. More likely in the next 2 to 5 years most of their clients will be online. The question is, do we focus on building an online reputation now or in the future? Lead generation nowadays is much more about being found than going out and hunting. Read More

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