Zioncampo voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Learn how to use customized Email Marketing Campaigns with Ininbox. Email marketing has always been a costly affair, but things have been changing lately and that is the reason more and more bloggers are taking advantage of this. Read More

An article that presents five major types of customer complaints and along with that it explains how each complaint type relates to a certain department, segment, function, portion of your business, firm or company and how can you deal each complaint effectively.

A must read for marketing lov Read More
Blogging is without a doubt the way to develop a huge business online. You and me know that already, yet let’s take a look at quicksprout’s cool infographic to see why every business should blog. Read More
You feel charisma the moment it enters the room. It’s not just that someone is likable. Charismatic people draw attention. They automatically energize you and motivate you to step up, to take action. What is it about them? All in all, they are certainly likable, but it’s more than that. Are they bo Read More
The below infographic from quicksprout presents a simple approach on how to generate sales through social media by choosing the best platforms and measuring its impact. Read More
A spokeswoman from Facebook has confirmed that the two Facebook apps, Poke and Camera, are no longer available in the App Store (and left no more comments). Read More
Running a business can sometimes be a headache especially when things are not working right. This is a common factor in all industries and in different marketing strategies. After investing a big deal in a business website, you still need to focus on running it so that it provides the results you d Read More
Now you have your business running for a while and you are using every marketing opportunity and tool you can get your hands on. Your branding is in great shape and your target audience is right, but still, you are not getting the sales you desire. Well, the only reason behind such a situation is m Read More
Thousands – maybe even millions – of companies are trying to sell their products on social media networks. They try dozens of different techniques in order to do so, but the truth of the matter is that it just isn’t working. Yes, there may be a few sales here or there, but why settle for so few whe Read More

5 Ways To Increase Post Visibility On Social Media

5 Ways To Increase Post Visibility On Social Media  - http://tabithanaylor.com Avatar Posted by tabithajeannaylor under Social Media
From http://tabithanaylor.com 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on May 13, 2014 6:41 am
It can be aggravating to look at your page analytics on social media to see only a handful of views on your most recent posts. While this is an all too common issue, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are a few things you can do to boost post visibility, and with a minimal amount of Read More

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