Zolachupik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I’m passionate about growing businesses. Over the past 8 years, I’ve been able to work with some great entrepreneurs and teams as a growth hacker, consultant, and now, founder of growth agency Polaris Growth. In that time, I’ve seen many companies grow exponentially and many entrepreneurs stall and Read More
Content discovery platform StumbleUpon is shutting down on June 30th, after 16 years in operation.

Launched in 2002, before the days of Facebook and Twitter, StumbleUpon was how many web users ‘stumbled’ on new content they weren’t directly searching for. Read More
We’ve all heard the term “less is more”. And we’ve been told this applies for landing pages too. I.e. your forms should be short and only ask for only the bare minimum of required information if you want to convert. Read More
Content marketing is a tool that anyone can use.

It can be niche specific.

It can be in any format imaginable.

It can also be absolutely free.

But not everything about creating content is easy.
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Real estate agents email list from InfoClutch is an accurate collection of business emails that will help real estate marketers to build a solid relationship with brokers and agents who need high-quality business solutions. Read More
Finding a great app or tool sometimes can feel like winning the lottery – maybe not the Mega Millions, but at least a $20 scratch-off ticket. Here are some winning picks from some of our favorite sources. Read More
Make your customers happy, and keep them paying the subscription. This guide will teach you how to stop users abandoning your software before they’ve seen how awesome it is. Read More
Google has published an article about shopping related keywords. The article relates that a growing trend with mobile consumers is in the use of three new kinds of shopping keywords. Read More
Let’s address the ugly part of editorial mission statements up front.

Too few brands (18% of B2B marketers) have one. Read More
For those who want to focus on strategic advising services, a niche practice is a great way to narrow your field of focus. Here’s how “going niche” is a great way to quickly scale your advisory services and your expertise.
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