Zolachupik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Importance of Experience Design and the Future of Brand

Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Marketing
From http://www.briansolis.com 2376 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on March 30, 2018 10:59 pm
Customers today are accidental narcissists.

Tomorrow is an entirely new game brands, CX strategists and marketers.

Disruption is a gift either given to you or by you. Read More
Want a new way to deliver content to customers and prospects?

Wondering how Amazon’s Echo or Echo Dot can help?

In this article, you’ll discover how to set up an Amazon Alexa flash briefing to regularly deliver product updates, event information, and expert tips to an engaged audience. Read More
Taking the typical product-market fit and turning it on its head to serve enterprise (dubbed the product-money fit) this article introduces a more efficient way to sell to enterprise-level customers.

Two big things here: Product and People.

Understand your customer and their needs -- how wil Read More
Are your marketing resources being utilized as efficiently as possible? Maybe your marketing messages are reaching a relevant audience, but are they reaching irrelevant consumers as well? This means you’re wasting your advertising budget on clicks that don’t turn into conversions. Or maybe your ema Read More
Wondering how you can make your employee onboarding process easier? Here are the 5 steps you need to take to improve your employee onboarding process!

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We cover the best onboarding templates and checklists available to download and customise for your own team welcoming process.
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For many, enterprise automation is a complex and scary topic. Many team leaders believe that it takes too much work to set up your automated systems, and a huge number of people are worried that doing so will let robots take over their jobs.

It’s not true. Read More

Local SEO in 2018: 12 Tips to Build Local Engagement

Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Marketing
From https://www.searchenginejournal.com 2383 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on March 23, 2018 1:32 pm
This year, local businesses need to step up their game to get online visibility.

Competition in the local SERPs is getting more difficult and “your website doesn’t matter” anymore. Read More
Just like any other software, mobile apps must be thoroughly tested before their release to ensure everything is working the exact same way it was intended. Read More
With Microsoft® pushing hard on their new cloud identity management solution Azure® Active Directory®, many IT organizations are in the process of comparing AD and Azure AD. Read More

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