Zolachupik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

B2B content marketers: It’s time to get over our inferiority complex.

Yes, the B2C folks are over there marketing cool stuff like basketball shoes and energy drinks, while we’re stuck with cloud software solutions and medical imaging machinery. Read More
Customer service is difficult at the best of times, but customer support can easily become a nightmare for both your customers and your team.
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We’re always looking for innovative ways to drive sales.

One simple step which people often overlook is the potential purchasing power of your existing audience. It can be expensive to market to people who know nothing about your product, but less expensive to increase the lifetime value of your Read More
The best way to improve your social media ROI is to always keep in mind it's directly connected to the quality of content in your marketing strategy, and the rest follows naturally. Read More
It's that time of year again: We're sharing key insights from Social Media Examiner's 2017 Social Media Marketing Industry Report. Read More
Imagine never “losing” anything you wrote.

Imagine having a large database of your content that you can search to find relevant articles to link back to after your readership builds up. Read More
Learn how to use process improvement to save your business from inefficiency and (eventually) death from bad processes. Read More
If you want the Ultimate SEO Audit Checklist, you’ve come to the right place.

Did you know that Google has approximately 200 ranking factors? For SEOs, Google has always maintained that chasing after the algorithm has a minimum effect and does not provide much — if any — return for most ranking Read More
What’s to blame when you can’t hit to-do list zero? It’s not that you have too much to do, or not enough time — you’re getting in your own way.
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The tech startup industry is booming; with more and more startups being created daily by wannabe entrepreneurs and unicorn creators, the need for having your employees surrounding you in an office is getting old-fashioned. Read More

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