Zolachupik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Have you heard of this cliche - Change is constant? It means that everything is in a continual flux of change. In other words, if you need to be progressive, you need to change, for the better. You can also change and make your life better. All you need to do is change your attitude. Here are a few Read More
7 free apps and tips are explained that will enable you to be such a productive blogger, you will be able to publish a blog post in less than 3 hours.
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According to Atlassian unnecessary business meetings cost the US economy $37b a year in wasted salary. See the 7 steps you need to follow to stop wasting time.
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How I Started Guest Posting with TechCrunch

Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Success Stories
From https://prowly.com 2767 days ago
Made Hot by: trivedirock91 on March 7, 2017 5:53 am
Guest posting is a tough game.

It’s even tougher if you want to be guest posting for TechCrunch and other top level sites.

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Is bad project management causing you to abandon important projects? Should you blame the tools you use, or does the issue go deeper?
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We need to find email addresses for the launch in 2 weeks – about 400 should do.

Damn… Read More

How Many Productivity Apps is Too Many?

Avatar Posted by shatekpatrick under Self-Development
From http://www.startuppers.biz 2768 days ago
Made Hot by: andriawhack on March 3, 2017 7:47 am
Productivity apps like Evernote, Trello, IFTTT are amazing. With a mind-boggling amount of recommendations, you've probably found yourself stuck. Read More
Google’s John Mueller wrote a blog post on how SEOs and webmasters can handle site outages or closures that last for a day or longer. This is where a webmaster intentionally takes down a website for maintenance, religious practice, site moves or other reasons. Read More
Being a successful business leader requires continuous improvement in your leadership skills, as well as your products and processes. If you don’t focus on it, you can expect to be one of the 25 percent of CEO turnovers that occur every year from firing or forced retirement, as reported by a recent Read More
Sales reps are goal-oriented people. Quotas, targets, deals—these are the numbers that matter and they want to hit. Every rep will have their own special craft and go-to techniques for closing deals. While there is nothing wrong with having techniques that work just for you, your company’s success Read More

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