There's now an easy way to find partners and suppliers - and with video it can be entertaning too. Check out the new video based service provider directory. Read More
What's more important: good product or good service? When you're a business on a budget, this is a question you might have to answer. Read More
We'd like to introduce ourselves to the group. We've recently joined bizsugar. Pricedyment is a design company specializing in graphic design and brand development. We post new entries on our blog once or twice a week. Watch for our entries on bizsugar and let us know what you think! Read More
This review represents about 12 months of experience with one of the most popular virtual assistant firms in India. We started working with Brickwork India in late 2006, and wrote our first review in March, 2007 (on our blog at ... then we updated it approximately every quarter. This is the result. Read More
Probably the single biggest rip-off in the merchant account industry is the leasing of credit card terminals (or credit card machines) to business owners. The article outlines 3 reasons why most business owners sign up for a lease, as well as disclosing the true cost of a lease for the business. Read More
So there is no need for small companies to have an inferiority complex. Simply understand the value you bring to the table, and find the right partner who sees your value as well! Read More
The benefits of churches and non-profits collecting online donations. Read More
The most important thing a small business can do to protect its customers' data is to use only payment processing systems from PCI compliant companies. Read More
This is a story about how I started my company out of a need to help my son. It ended up helping thousands of other kids in the process. Read More
You have three types of files that you deal with every day: * Daily Action: Things you still need to do * Project Files: Active folders that are ongoing for a specific period of time * Reference Files: Nothing more needs to be done on that item, but you want to keep it for possible future reference The strength of the Paper Tig Read More

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