Pdebraux voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Preparing to pitch your business to investors? It’s just as important to pitch your business to friends, family, and the community around you. Read More
Think about this: Why would you want to toil over the endless process of creating your own valuable content yourself when you'll never compare to the collective knowledge of a community?

The truth is, professional communities are responsible for producing some of the greatest pieces of content m Read More

11 Trends Every Small Retailer Should be Following (Video)

Avatar Posted by HeatherStone under Sales
From https://www.youtube.com 2583 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on May 28, 2017 9:55 am
Changes in the retail sector today could have major impacts on businesses large and small. Here Brian Solis gives an overview of these major disruptions. Is your business ready to cope with the major shifts on the horizon. Read More
I've heard what seems like a million horror stories about bad relationships between clients and agencies that cause huge losses for businesses.

The thing is, these issues can usually be addressed at the beginning when the relationship is established. Doing it this way means avoiding any potentia Read More
Despite being a term that gets thrown around on a regular basis, demand marketing still confuses some as to what it involves. Truth be told, it's not just about increasing demand.

This article will tell you exactly what demand marketing comprises of and how you can implement relevant techniques Read More
Marketing is an extremely important business function that shouldn't be allowed to take a backseat. Businesses should always consider growth to be a core requirement because if you're not growing, you're dying.

We've developed a list of 5 common signs indicating that your business is in dire nee Read More
When it comes to email marketing, engagement is king.

If your prospects aren't reading your emails and clicking on links back to your site, your efforts will go to waste. It all comes down to how you acquire your subscribers and what audience you're targeting.

This article presents 5 innovati Read More

How Can App Makers Improve Revenue and Keep Users Engaged?

How Can App Makers Improve Revenue and Keep Users Engaged? - https://www.entrepreneur.com Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Technology
From https://www.entrepreneur.com 2628 days ago
Made Hot by: nicregi on April 7, 2017 7:43 am
With millions of choices available across the various mobile app stores, discovery is a massive challenge for both consumers and developers. As of this past summer, Android's Google Play Store had 2.2 million apps to choose from, while Apple's App Store, the second-largest app store in terms of pro Read More
Research on diverse teams and multicultural teams has consistently showed that working with people from different cultures, beliefs, perspectives, and points of view promotes creative and innovative new products, strategies and solutions. Read More
I write a lot about the direct line between corporate cultures of giving back and increased employee engagement. Time and again we see new data emerge that proves how much employees value working for companies that demonstrate a concern for more than pure profit. Read More

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