Rupalik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Five Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Five Marketing Mistakes to Avoid - Avatar Posted by rupalik under Marketing
From 5563 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 10, 2009 12:39 am
Why are there so many unsuccessful websites when others continue to flourish? Much of the reason has to do with poor marketing. This article explains five of the most popular marketing mistakes made by new website owners trying promote themselves. Read More
About 7.5 percent of U.S. adults lost money as a result of financial fraud last year, mostly due to data breaches, according to a new Gartner study to be released on Tuesday night. In the survey of nearly 5,000 consumers, 70 percent said they had never been a victim of identity theft fraud. Read More
Want to learn how to make your blog rank well in Google? SEO Secrets is a resource worth considering. Read More
Cybercrime is on the rise as organizations face the tough realities of a poor economy putting the squeeze on their security spending. But don t panic -- some creative ways to defend your data on a tight budget do exist. Read More

4 Ways to Attract FREE Traffic -- With a Blog!

4 Ways to Attract FREE Traffic -- With a Blog! - Avatar Posted by rupalik under Marketing
From 5570 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 4, 2009 3:03 pm
Here are 4 ways to attract FREE traffic to your site using blogs and 4 reasons why you NEED to start blogging. Read More
Google's e-mail service has been invaded by a phishing scam that is using instant messaging to dupe unsuspecting users into giving up their passwords. Once users' Gmail chats are hacked, the phishers take over users' chat accounts and send out messages to other users purportedly linking to a “funny video.” Read More
Here are some ways to attract more traffic... Read More
“How do I keep posts flowing on my blog?” This is a question that most bloggers face at one point or another - particularly bloggers who have been blogging for 6-12 months. The reality is that there comes a point where most bloggers feel either uninspired, unmotivated, that they've got 'bloggers block' or that they've said everything that there is Read More
The popular micro-blogging platform Twitter continues its explosive growth. Twitter experienced a 900 percent increase in active users in the last year, according to a recent blog post from Biz Stone, the company s co-founder. Read More
Being flexible in today's business climate is imperative. Your target market's needs change all the time, every day. You can give a boost to a service or product people have seemingly lost interest in, and you can create that success seller. Read More

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