How Much Does It Cost To Advertise On Google Adwords? - 3Bug Media

Avatar Posted by GaryShouldis under Advertising
From 2793 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on January 18, 2017 10:23 am
Google Adwords does not charge a fee in order to use the Google Adwords platform. You pay on a Cost Per Click basis, meaning you are only charged when someone clicks on a link in your ad and visits the website or landing page that is associated with that ad.


Written by lyceum
2788 days ago

Cheerio Gary!

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
2788 days ago

Gary: Thanks for your reply! I will contact you when I am ready to use contextual advertising! ;)

Written by GaryShouldis
2788 days ago

Cheers Martin!

Written by landscapingm8
2788 days ago

Be very cautious with Adwords, I tried it and it can become very expensive.

Written by GaryShouldis
2788 days ago

It can be very expensive and is not for every type of business. Google tries to promote to small business owners that it is a self service platform, it is not. In some ways it is more complex than seo and easy to lose lots of money if not setup and run correctly. With that said, advertising (and is=n some ways, affiliate marketing) is the only true way to really scale your marketing, which is why almost every brand, even if they started out organically, turn to advertising eventually.

Written by lyceum
2788 days ago

Peter: I have only tested a few times, when Google has given out free trials / or adding extra ads for the campaign.

Written by Workbrite1
2788 days ago

It totally depends upon the number of bids. If your competitor is bidding on the same as yours on high rate then google will show his Ad above yours.

Written by GaryShouldis
2788 days ago

That is only part of the case, Adwords uses Quality Score and Ad Rank to determine how you rank in the results, your bid is only one factor. An advertiser with a high Quality Score can outrank another advertiser even if they are bidding more.

Written by lyceum
2789 days ago

Gary: How much do the competitors charge for their types of contextual ads?

Written by GaryShouldis
2789 days ago

Most ad platforms work in a similar fashion, pricing depends on competition and the quality of your ad campaign. You can usually get a better cost oper click on Facebook, though it is getting more expensive every month. Bing Ads charges the same as Google. LinkedIn's cost per click are pretty high, they have there's set as a min of about $2 regardless of competition. For most ad platforms, you get rewarded for running high-quality ad campaigns.

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