8 Easily Avoidable Causes of Business Debt

Avatar Posted by TimJustus under Finance
From http://www.bankaholic.com 5964 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 29, 2008 10:01 pm
Start-ups go out of business all the time, often before they even have a chance to even really start up at all. The main culprit in the savage slaughter of these young establishments is the same perpetrator behind the bulk of our fiscal difficulties: Debt.

As an emerging entrepreneur, it is very easy to quickly accumulate debts that are substantial enough to kill your burgeoning business before it even gets off the ground. But it does not have to be that way. Take the time to examine your business workflow and you will likely discover a number of extraneous costs that can be eliminated to improve the health of your bottom line.

Here are eight common practices that lead to common results; learn to avoid them and you will be uncommonly successful.


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