This new concept is not very well thought out...

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Written by ShawnHessinger
5332 days ago

Fiction? OK, Joel. Does it exist or not? I understand what you're saying here but I'm also wondering about the concept as a whole. Let me just play devil's advocate for a moment. Suppose someone were able to offer franchise opportnities at a fraction of what they cost today. Would you still be against it? What if they were able to simplify basic business operation the same way McDonald's simplified making burgers? What if they did it all via Website, went ahead and called themselves salesmen and made no claims about the money you'd make? What I'm saying is, suppose someone did for the franchise business what Microsoft did for self-publishing, made it easier and cheaper and more fool proof than it's ever been before? No, the current business you're describing doesn't sound like they've got it right, but does that mean it can't be done?

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