Our children probably won't need to have any computer skills. Of course THIS franchise company disagrees...

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Written by McLaughlin
5471 days ago

Well, at the rate technology advances, our kids will not need to have knowledge of this generation of computers. Working on the technology as it advances will make it easier to adapt to whatever comes next.

The First mobile phone was just a phone that you carried anywhere. For most people a PC was just a typewriter that did more. Now we have all the internet on a phone - and isn't easier for people that understood the old technologies?

My mom got a new digital camera a year ago. My brother and sister were with her and tried to install it, but failed. Ma called me (I live in a different country) and asked what to do. I just guesstimated that her camera would be more or less like all the others, and I walked her through setting it up, connecting to her PC and emailing me a picture. She asked how long I had the same camera, and I didn't. I just know the base technology.

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