Franchise Buyers: Don't Take A Hit

Franchise Buyers: Don't Take A Hit - Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 4034 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on June 10, 2013 12:36 pm
Buying a franchise? You don't have to take a hit. Just make sure that you're really a fit. Yes: that rhymed. Please read why it does, and why today's franchise buyer's need to make sure that they ARE in fact, a fit.


Written by AngelBiz
4030 days ago

Great advice and a warning shot for a newbie. I have seen too many people getting stuck with the franchise they though would be a good business. Unfortunately. it didn't work out the way they thought or it required different skills than they had. Spend plenty of time researching the franchise and yourself before signing on that dotted line because once you do it you will need to commit to it 100%. There is no easy way out.

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