Carol Tice started her blog, Make a Living Writing, in 2008.

It took her a few years to get her blog off the ground, but by 2011, she was already pulling in a six-figure income… With a ~2,000 subscriber email list!

Today, she makes over $500,000 a year with less than 20,000 subscribers.

“Wait, how is that even possible?” you might think. “Don’t you need to have hundreds of thousands of email subscribers and get millions of pageviews to make that kind of money?”

Well, apparently, you don’t.


Written by pvariel
2703 days ago

Hey, Erik I really missed this post,

This is indeed an epic post and am sure all who are online who are aiming for a dependence will surely look into this and pick up a ton of lessons for their future business or blogging or online activities for a profit.

thanks for sharing it here,

Keep sharing


~ Phil

Written by tiroberts
2709 days ago

Great, the freedom that comes from making money online is wonderful

Written by lyceum
2712 days ago

Erik: Yeah, it is. Talk soon again.

Written by unimax_creative
2712 days ago

good man

Written by lyceum
2714 days ago

Erik: I will study this post in detail! ;)

Written by erikemanuelli
2713 days ago

It's really interesting, Martin!

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