We all love WordPress plugins and make use of them all the time. They ease our work considerably. But not all plugins are efficient. Some can cause delays, or even damage.

That’s why you should be really careful when installing a new plugin on your WordPress site. Sometimes, as much as they can help you, they can also spoil your plans.


Written by pvariel
3127 days ago

Hi Erik,

This is indeed a very timely piece to me.

A wonderful tuto and a great alert to the word-press users, the plugin users!

In the recent past due to a bad-or and outdated pluggin whole my page was down and i was in dilemma, since i was new to wordpress in the beginning i was not aware that, the problem erupted because of a bad plugin, i was thinking that some other problem with the hosters or something like that when i contacted my on-line friend explained everything to him, he said its because of some outdated plugin, and later removed all plugins and added only the reliable ones. this tool is indeed a help to all in finding out the good and bad from the ocean of plugins!! LOL

Thanks Erik for sharing this, and thanks to Adelina for this informative piece. Keep sharing.

Have a great rest of the week to both of you.


~ Phil @PVAriel

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