8 Ways to Motivate Your Employees Effectively

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Human Resources
From http://entreb.com 4018 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on September 12, 2013 1:10 pm
As an employer or a manager of a business organization, you have to learn how to motivate and make your employees happy so that they would become more productive and will help your company become more profitable and stable. But managing human beings isn't an easy task. You have to learn how to deal, not only with their thoughts, but also with their feelings and emotions.


Written by AngelBiz
4013 days ago

I would also add that you need to reward them appropriately. Small, frequent rewards work lot better than one big bonus check at the end of the year. The reward does not even need to be monetary. Find out what each employee really wants and give them when they don't expect it. Even a simple THANK YOU can go a long way as long as it is genuine.

Written by bigmoneyweb
4018 days ago

If you really want your business to grow, you will have to learn how to manage your employees very well and how to make them happy because, they are the ones that will determine the success of the business and this can be actualized when they are happy with you their employer. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


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