Are You Empowering Your Employees?

Are You Empowering Your Employees?  - Avatar Posted by tiffanycwright under Human Resources
From 3711 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on May 2, 2014 11:12 am
If you're a CEO or owner, it's likely one of your desires is to have enthusiastic, committed, empowered employees who take initiative with little direction from you. Unfortunately, as an employer, it can be easy to confuse delegation with empowerment. It may not dawn on you until it's too late that delegation alone does not provide employees with the freedom they need to take independent action.


Written by cecilwampler
3700 days ago

I just had this conversation with a business leader and the response was quite disappointing. Sometimes leaders grab a philosophy out of thin air and believe it is right because they say it. Supervisors delegate tasks, not responsibility. Delegation is definitely not empowerment, and is usually misused and abused to become a form of laziness and way of dumping unwanted work off onto others. I really agree with the importance of empowerment discussed in the article and appreciate you making the distinction for the community.

Written by tiffanycwright
3612 days ago

Cecil, I read your response via email on the go and really liked and appreciated what you had to say. Thank you very much for your insights. I've read (and shared) some of your blog posts, therefore, your comments carry additional weight with me!

Written by tiroberts
3707 days ago

It's very important to empower your employees and make them feel like they're doing a good job.

Written by tiffanycwright
3707 days ago

So true. Fear tactics have a very short life span!

Written by BizRock
3708 days ago

Very good information.Thank you for sharing this with the Bizsugar community.

Written by tiffanycwright
3707 days ago

You are welcome BizRock! Glad to be of service.

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