A leader may be defined as “the person in the team who is responsible for inspiring consistent action towards the achievement of a worthwhile goal.

A leader needs to have the quality of personal initiative.

There are four questions concerning leadership training:

1. Why is it so important to be able to inspire action?
2. What is personal initiative?
3. How can you develop the quality of personal initiative?
4. How can you train leadership skills?

This article is designed to answer these four questions.

If you want to know more then please read on……….


Written by bigmoneyweb
4324 days ago

Leadership, a critical management skill, is the ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal. These items will help you develop your skills as a leader. Leaders always want to inspire and motivate their teams toward their goals. That is one reason they are always positive. Managers who want to become leaders can learn that skill. Thanks for sharing.

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