Office romance on the rise

Avatar Posted by Jenny under Human Resources
From 5980 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 19, 2008 3:08 am
If it seems like more people are flirting around the water cooler at your office these days, it may not be your imagination. Four out of 10 U.S. workers admit to being involved with another colleague at some point. But within a small business the possibility of increased tension and drama because of a tryst intensifies.

One of the problems for small businesses lies in the limited workspace. Unlike at a large corporation, employees at smaller companies often cannot simply transfer to another department if a romantic relationship ensues.

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Written by Aaronontheweb
5974 days ago

More great Fox reality shows for me!

Written by Shelly
5976 days ago

No romance in my office. Oh wait... i work for myself.

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