3 Legal Agreements Every Entrepreneur Must Have in Place

Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Legal
From http://www.catecosta.com 3890 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on February 6, 2014 2:54 pm
Starting your own business can be overwhelming, especially dealing with all of the legal paperwork and formalities that come along with it. Many entrepreneurs become overwhelmed and just push this to the side, but it’s important to cross your Ts and dot your Is or you’ll be setting yourself up for some major legal issues in the future.

There are a few legal documents that are more likely to cause problems, if you don’t have them, than others, so every entrepreneur should be sure to get them in place before moving forward with building the business. I’m not a lawyer, so you should consult a qualified attorney about all of your legal questions, but 3 legal documents that every single entrepreneur absolutely must have to keep his or her bases covered are an ownership agreement, worker agreements, and customer and vendor or supplier agreements.


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