5 Ways Brain Science Can Make You More Successful

5 Ways Brain Science Can Make You More Successful  - https://www.americanexpress.com Avatar Posted by bmartinuzzi under Management
From https://www.americanexpress.com 3580 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on September 21, 2014 2:50 am
Feeling overwhelmed by information overload? Start small and achieve more by putting these 5 scientific discoveries to work for you.


Written by lyceum
3574 days ago

Bruna: I recently learned about the book, The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload, from Spark podcast. I will share your post with my TrendPal podcast co-host, Lotta Gergils Aston. She has a passion for yoga and mindfulness.

Written by HeatherStone
3577 days ago

Hi Bruna,

Interesting research on snoozing. I wonder what this means for all the cat nappers and power nappers out there. And, of course, all those who have just never gotten a decent night's sleep.

Written by lyceum
3574 days ago

Heather: Have you tested the Power Nap app (creator of SleepCycle)?

I took a nap this night, and then woke up, writing this comment at 4:40 AM! ;)

In order to get a restful sleep, I have started to test a product for maintaining a healthy biorhythm.

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